Are you giving your best?

I hate to practice. It’s no secret, I’d rather be playing live with other musicians than sitting in a room playing with a recording, or working on scales and technique. Let’s face it, practice is boring and repetitive. It is, however, necessary. In order to build the skills needed to perform, you need to learn skills.

Simple, but boring.

Some of the things I do to spice it up is I’ll take a break and hit shuffle on my music player. then I play along with whatever pops up. Sometimes I’ll put on the TV and play along with the show and commercials, trying to change the feel of the scene.

What are some of the things you do to make practice easier?


November 21, 2009. Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Laying down the law

It’s been a while, but I’m back. There have been a few changes, all for the better. Here are the new changes:

1. We are starting sound check 15 minutes earlier.
2. We are doing a REAL sound check. Yep, one actually run by the sound engineer in a orderly manner.
So far, they positive changes that have had positive impact.

Have you made any changes?
Are they working?

I’ll try to post after ever worship team experience and keep you up to date on our progress.

November 16, 2009. audio, management, Music, sound. Leave a comment.